
July 23, 2024

List of Publications – Christian R. Ast

  1. C. R. Ast, P. Kot, M. Ismail, S. de-la-Peña, A. I. Fernández-Domínguez, and J. C. Cuevas
    Theory of Electron Spin Resonance in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
    Physical Review Research 6, 023126 (2024)
  2. H. Huang, J. C. Schön, and C. R. Ast
    Surface reconstruction induced anisotropic energy landscape of bismuth monomers and dimers on the Si(001) surface
    submitted (2024); arXiv:2309.03098
  3. S. Karan, H. Huang, A. Ivanovic, C. Padurariu, B. Kubala, K. Kern, J. Ankerhold, and C. R. Ast
    Tracking a Spin-Polarized Superconducting Bound State across a Quantum Phase Transition
    Nature Communications 15, 459 (2024); arXiv:2304.02955
  4. J. Siebrecht, H. Huang, P. Kot, R. Drost, C. Padurariu, B. Kubala, J. Ankerhold, J. C. Cuevas, and C. R. Ast
    Microwave Excitation of Atomic Scale Superconducting Bound States
    Nature Communications 14, 6794 (2023); arXiv:2303.13098
  5. P. Kot, M. Ismail, R. Drost, J. Siebrecht, H. Huang, and C. R. Ast
    Electric Control of Spin Transitions at the Atomic Scale
    Nature Communications 14, 6612 (2023); arXiv:2209.10969
  6. H. Huang, S. Karan, C. Padurariu, B. Kubala, J. C. Cuevas, J. Ankerhold, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Universal scaling of tunable Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states across the quantum phase transition
    Communications Physics 6, 214 (2023); arXiv:2212.11332
  7. S. Karan, H. Huang, C. Padurariu, B. Kubala, G. Morrás, A. Levy Yeyati, J. C. Cuevas, J. Ankerhold, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Superconducting Quantum Interference at the Atomic Scale
    Nature Physics 18, 893-898 (2022); arXiv:2102.12521
  8. R. Drost, M. Uhl, P. Kot, J. Siebrecht, A. Schmid, J. Merkt, S. Wünsch, M. Siegel, O. Kieler, R. Kleiner, and C. R. Ast
    Combining Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy at High Magnetic Fields
    Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 043705 (2022); arXiv:2111.05910
  9. J. Senkpiel, R. Drost, J. C. Klöckner, M. Etzkorn, J. Ankerhold, J. C. Cuevas, F. Pauly, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Extracting the Transport Channel Transmissions in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy using the Superconducting Excess Current
    Physical Review B 105, 165401 (2022); arXiv:2108.02250
  10. S. Lei, S. M. L. Teicher, A. Topp, K. Cai, J. Lin, F. Rodolakis, J. L. McChesney, M. Krivenkov, D. Marchenko, A. Varykhalov, C. R. Ast, R. Car, J. Cano, M. G. Vergniory, N. P. Ong, and L. M. Schoop
    Charge Density Waves as a Tool for Creating Idealized (Magnetic) Topological Semimetals
    Advanced Materials 33, 2101591 (2021); arXiv:2009.00620
  11. H. Huang, J. Senkpiel, C. Padurariu, R. Drost, A. Villas, R. L. Klees, A. Levy Yeyati, J. Cuevas, B. Kubala, J. Ankerhold, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Spin-dependent tunneling between individual superconducting bound states
    Physical Review Research 3, L032008 (2021); arXiv:2012.09257
  12. R. Gutzler, M. Garg, C. R. Ast, K. Kuhnke, and K. Kern
    Light-Matter Interaction at Atomic Scales
    Nature Reviews Physics 3, 441-453 (2021)
  13. A. Villas, R. L. Klees, G. Morrás, H. Huang, C. R. Ast, G. Rastelli, W. Belzig, and J. C. Cuevas
    Tunneling processes between Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states
    Physical Review B 103, 155407 (2021); arXiv:2209.09599
  14. B. Jäck, F. Zinser, E. J. König, S. N. P. Wissing, A. B. Schmidt, M. Donath, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Visualizing the multifractal wavefunctions of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas
    Physical Review Research 3, 013022 (2021); arXiv:2010.07554
  15. H. Huang, R. Drost, J. Senkpiel, C. Padurariu, B. Kubala, A. Levy Yeyati, J. C. Cuevas, J. Ankerhold, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Quantum phase transitions and the role of impurity substrate hybridization in Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states
    Communications Physics 3, 199 (2020); arXiv:1912.05607
  16. H. Huang, C. Padurariu, J. Senkpiel, R. Drost, A. Levy Yeyati, J. C. Cuevas, B. Kubala, J. Ankerhold, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Tunneling dynamics between superconducting bound states at the atomic limit
    Nature Physics 16, 1227-1231 (2020); arXiv:1912.08901
  17. J. Senkpiel, S. Dambach, M. Etzkorn, R. Drost, C. Padurariu, B. Kubala, W. Belzig, A. Levy Yeyati, J. C. Cuevas, J. Ankerhold, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Single Channel Josephson Effect in a High Transmission Atomic Contact
    Communications Physics 3, 131 (2020); arXiv:1810.10609
  18. A. Villas, R. L. Klees, H. Huang, C. R. Ast, G. Rastelli, W. Belzig, and J. C. Cuevas
    Interplay between Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states and multiple Andreev reflections
    Physical Review B 101, 235445 (2020); arXiv:2005.06491
  19. P. Kot, J. Parnell, S. Habibian, C. Straßer, P. M. Ostrovsky, and C. R. Ast
    Band dispersion of graphene with structural defects
    Physical Review B 101, 235116 (2020); arXiv:1811.00087
  20. J. Senkpiel, J. C. Klöckner, M. Etzkorn, S. Dambach, B. Kubala, W. Belzig, A. Levy Yeyati, J. C. Cuevas, F. Pauly, J. Ankerhold, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Dynamical Coulomb Blockade as a Local Probe for Quantum Transport
    Physical Review Letters 124, 156803 (2020); arXiv:1912.02236
  21. P. Kot, R. Drost, M. Uhl, J. Ankerhold, J. C. Cuevas, and C. R. Ast
    Microwave-assisted tunneling and interference effects in superconducting junctions under fast driving signals
    Physical Review B 101, 134507 (2020); arXiv:2001.08228
  22. S. Lei, J. Lin, Y. Jia, M. Gray, A. Topp, G. Farahi, S. Klemenz, F. Rodolakis, J. L. McChesney, C. R. Ast, A. Yazdani, K. S. Burch, S. Wu, N. P. Ong, and L. M. Schoop
    High mobility in a van der Waals layered antiferromagnetic metal
    Science Advances 6, eaay6407 (2020); arXiv:1903.03111
  23. L. Müchler, A. Topp, R. Queiroz, M. Krivenkov, A. Varykhalov, J. Cano, C. R. Ast, and L. M. Schoop
    Modular Arithmetic with Nodal Lines: Drumhead Surface States in ZrSiTe
    Physical Review X 10, 011026 (2020); arXiv:1909.02154
  24. J. R. Chamorro, A. Topp, Y. Fang, M. J. Winiarski, C. R. Ast, M. Krivenkov, A. Varykhalov, B. J. Ramshaw, L. M. Schoop, and T. M. McQueen
    Dirac fermions and possible weak antilocalization in LaCuSb2
    APL Materials 7, 121108 (2019); arXiv:2001.00703
  25. A. Topp, M. G. Vergniory, M. Krivenkov, A. Varykhalov, F. Rodolakis, J. L. McChesney, B. V. Lotsch, C. R. Ast, and L. M. Schoop
    The effect of spin-orbit coupling on nonsymmorphic square-net compounds
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 128, 296-300 (2019)
  26. J. Senkpiel, C. Rubio Verdú, M. Etzkorn, R. Drost, L. M. Schoop, S. Dambach, C. Padurariu, B. Kubala, J. Ankerhold, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Robustness of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov resonances in presence of a complex superconducting order parameter
    Physical Review B 100, 014502 (2019); arXiv:1803.08726
  27. J. J. Frick, A. Topp, M. Krivenkov, A. Varykhalov, C. R. Ast, A. B. Bocarsly, and L. M. Schoop
    Single Crystal Growth and Characterization of the Chalcopyrite Semiconductor CuInTe2 for Photoelectrochemical Solar Fuel Production
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8, 6833-6840 (2018)
  28. L. M. Schoop, A. Topp, J. Lippmann, F. Orlandi, L. Müchler, M. G. Vergniory, Y. Sun, A. W. Rost, V. Duppel, M. Krivenkov, S. Sheoran, P. Manuel, A. Varykhalov, B. Yan, R. K. Kremer, C. R. Ast, and B. V. Lotsch
    Tunable Weyl and Dirac states in the nonsymmorphic compound CeSbTe
    Science Advances 4, EAAR2317 (2018); arXiv:1707.03408
  29. A. Yaresko, A. P. Schnyder, H. M. Benia, C.-M. Yim, G. Levy, A. Damascelli, C. R. Ast, D. C. Peets, and P. Wahl
    Correct Brillouin zone and electronic structure of BiPd
    Physical Review B 97, 075108 (2018); arXiv:1704.03060
  30. A. Topp, R. Queiroz, A. Grüneis, L. Müchler, A. Rost, A. Varykhalov, D. Marchenko, M. Krivenkov, F. Rodolakis, J. McChesney, B. V. Lotsch, L. M. Schoop, and C. R. Ast
    Surface floating 2D bands in layered nonsymmorphic semimetals: ZrSiS and related compounds
    Physical Review X 7, 041073 (2017); arXiv:1709.00319
  31. M. Liebmann, J. R. Bindel, M. Pezzotta, S. Becker, F. Muckel, T. Johnsen, C. Saunus, C. R. Ast, and M. Morgenstern
    A compact ultrahigh-vacuum cryostat for simultaneous scanning tunneling microscopy and magneto-transport measurements down to 400 mK
    Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 123707 (2017); arXiv:1707.09518
  32. B. Jäck, J. Senkpiel, M. Etzkorn, J. Ankerhold, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Quantum Brownian motion at strong dissipation probed by superconducting tunnel junctions
    Physical Review Letters 119, 147702 (2017); arXiv:1701.04084
  33. A. Topp, J. M. Lippmann, A. Varykhalov, V. Duppel, B. V. Lotsch, C. R. Ast, and L. M. Schoop
    Non-symmorphic band degeneracy at the Fermi level in ZrSiTe
    New Journal of Physics 18, 125014 (2016); arXiv:1612.06382
  34. H. M. Benia, E. Rampi, C. Trainer, C. M. Yim, A. Maldonado, D. C. Peets, A. Stöhr, U. Starke, K. Kern, A. Yaresko, G. Levy, A. Damascelli, C. R. Ast, A. P. Schnyder, and P. Wahl
    Observation of Dirac surface states in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd
    Physical Review B 94, 121407(R) (2016); arXiv:1608.01277
  35. C. R. Ast, B. Jäck, J. Senkpiel, M. Eltschka, M. Etzkorn, J. Ankerhold, and K. Kern
    Sensing the Quantum Limit in Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
    Nature Communications 7, 13009 (2016);arXiv:1510.08449
  36. L. M. Schoop, M. N. Ali, C. Straßer, V. Duppel, S. S. P. Parkin, B. V. Lotsch, and C. R. Ast
    Dirac Cone Protected by Non-Symmorphic Symmetry and 3D Dirac Line Node in ZrSiS
    Nature Communications 7, 11696 (2016); arXiv:1509.00861
  37. B. Jäck, M. Eltschka, M. Assig, M. Etzkorn, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Critical Josephson current in the Dynamical Coulomb Blockade Regime
    Physical Review B 93, 020504(R) (2016); arXiv:1511.08067
  38. M. Eltschka, B. Jäck, M. Assig, O. V. Kondrashov, M. A. Skvortsov, M. Etzkorn, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Superconducting STM tips in a magnetic field: geometry-controlled order of the phase transition
    Applied Physics Letters 107, 122601 (2015)
  39. B. M. Ludbrook, G. Levy, M. Zonno, M. Schneider, D.J. Dvorak, C.N. Veenstra, S. Zhdanovich, D. Wong, P. Dosanjh, C. Straßer, A. Stöhr, S. Forti, C. R. Ast, U. Starke, and A. Damascelli
    Evidence for superconductivity in Li-decorated graphene
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 11795-11799 (2015)
  40. I. Gierz, F. Calegari, S. Aeschlimann, M. Chávez Cervantes, C. Cacho, R. T. Chapman, E. Springate, S. Link, U. Starke, C. R. Ast, and A. Cavalleri
    Tracking primary thermalization events in graphene with photoemission at extreme timescales
    Physical Review Letters 115, 086803 (2015); arXiv:1506.00120 (Editor’s suggestion)
  41. C. R. Ast
    Extracting the Rashba splitting from scanning tunneling microscopy measurements
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 201, 30-35 (2015)
  42. C. Straßer, B. M. Ludbrook, G. Levy, A. J. Macdonald, S. A. Burke, T. O. Wehling, K. Kern, A. Damascelli, and C. R. Ast
    Long-range versus short-range scattering in doped epitaxial graphene
    Nano Letters 15, 2825-2829 (2015)
  43. H. M. Benia, C. Straßer, Klaus Kern, and C. R. Ast
    The surface band structure of Bi1−xSbx(111)
    Physical Review B 91, 161406(R) (2015); arXiv:1412.4596 (Editor’s Suggestion)
  44. B. Jäck, M. Eltschka, M. Assig, A. Hardock, M. Etzkorn, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    A nanoscale GHz source realized with Josephson Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
    Applied Physics Letters 106, 013109 (2015)
  45. M. Eltschka, B. Jäck, M. Assig, O. V. Kondrashov, M. A. Skvortsov, M. Etzkorn, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Probing absolute spin polarization at the nanoscale
    Nano Letters 14, 7171-7174 (2014)
  46. A.Gömmel, S.Appel, K.-H. Beyer, U. Motz, U. Steudel, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Entwicklung von hochgradig erschütterungsarmen Fundamenten für 11 Versuchsumgebungen in einem neugebauten Präzisionslabor
    Bauingenieur 89, S4 (2014)
  47. S. N. P. Wissing, A. B. Schmidt, H. Mirhosseini, J. Henk, C. R. Ast, and M. Donath
    Ambiguity of Experimental Spin Information from States with Mixed Orbital Symmetries
    Physical Review Letters 113, 116402 (2014)
  48. H. M. Benia, A. Yaresko, A. P. Schnyder, J. Henk, C. T. Lin, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Origin of Rashba-splitting in the quantized subbands at Bi2Se3 surface
    Physical Review B 88, 081103 (2013); arXiv:1307.7384
  49. M. Steinbrecher, H. Harutyunyan, C. R. Ast, and D. Wegner
    Finding the Rashba-type spin-splitting from interband scattering in quasiparticle interference maps
    Physical Review B 87, 245436 (2013); arXiv:1306.6662
  50. P. Gehring, H. M. Benia, R. Dinnebier, C. R. Ast, M. Burghard, and K. Kern
    A Natural Topological Insulator
    Nano Letters 13, 1179-1184 (2013); arXiv:1311.6637
  51. M. Assig, M. Etzkorn, A. Enders, W. Stiepany, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    A 10 mK Scanning Tunneling Microscope Operating in Ultra High Vacuum and High Magnetic Fields
    Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 033903 (2013)
  52. M. Morgenstern, S. Becker, A. Georgi, C. Straßer, C. R. Ast, and M. Liebmann
    Scanning tunneling microscopy of two-dimensional semiconductors: Spin properties and disorder
    Physica E 44, 1795-1814 (2012); arXiv:1204.3815
  53. I. Gierz, M. Lindroos, H. Höchst, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Graphene sublattice symmetry and isospin determined by circular dichroism in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
    Nano Letters 12, 3900-3904 (2012)
  54. C. R. Ast and I. Gierz
    An sp-band tight-binding model for the Rashba-Bychkov effect in a two-dimensional electron system including nearest neighbor contributions from an electric field
    Physical Review B 86, 085105 (2012)
  55. M. Assig, A. Koch, W. Stiepany, C. Straßer, A. Ast, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Miniature Active Damping Stage for Scanning Probe Applications in Ultra High Vacuum
    Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 033701 (2012)
  56. I. Timrov, T. Kampfrath, J. Faure, N. Vast, C. R. Ast, C. Frischkorn, M. Wolf, P. Gava, and L. Perfetti
    Thermalization of photoexcited carriers in bismuth investigated by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
    Physical Review B 85, 155139 (2012)
  57. H. M. Benia, C. Lin, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Reactive chemical doping of the Bi2Se3 topological insulator
    Physical Review Letters 107, 177602 (2011); arXiv:1105.2664
  58. Gierz, F. Meier, J. H. Dil, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Tuning the spin texture in binary and ternary surface alloys on Ag(111)
    Physical Review B 83, 195122 (2011); arXiv:1011.1829
  59. Gierz, J. Henk, H. Höchst, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Illuminating the dark corridor in graphene: polarization dependence of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on graphene
    Physical Review B 83, 121408(R) (2011); arXiv:1010.1618 (Editor’s Suggestion)
  60. I. Gierz, B. Stadtmüller, J. Vuorinen, M. Lindroos, F. Meier, J. Hugo Dil, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Structural influence on the Rashba-type spin splitting in surface alloys
    Physical Review B 81, 245430 (2010); arXiv:1003.2351
  61. Gierz, T. Suzuki, R. T. Weitz, D. S. Lee, B. Krauss, C. Riedl, U. Starke, H. Höchst, J. H. Smet, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Electronic decoupling of an epitaxial graphene monolayer by gold intercalation
    Physical Review B 81, 235408 (2010); arXiv:1003.2355 (Editor’s Suggestion)
  62. L. Moreschini, A. Bendounan, H. Bentmann, M. Assig, K. Kern, F. Reinert, J. Henk, C. R. Ast, and M. Grioni
    The influence of the substrate on the spin-orbit splitting in surface alloys on (111) noble-metal surfaces
    Physical Review B 80, 035438 (2009)
  63. Gierz, T. Suzuki, E. Frantzeskakis, S. Pons, S. Ostanin, A. Ernst, J. Henk, M. Grioni, K. Kern, and C. R. Ast
    Silicon surface with giant spin-splitting
    Physical Review Letters 103, 046803 (2009); arXiv:0905.0790
  64. E. Frantzeskakis, L. Moreschini, S. Pons, C. R. Ast, D. Pacilé, M. Papagno, M. C. Falub, and M. Grioni
    New Mechanism for Spin-Orbit Splitting of Conduction States in Surface Alloys
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 7, 264-268 (2009)
  65. L. Moreschini, A. Bendounan, I. Gierz, C. R. Ast, H. Mirhosseini, H. Höchst, K. Kern, J. Henk, A. Ernst, S. Ostanin, F. Reinert, and M. Grioni
    Assessing the atomic contribution to the Rashba spin-orbit splitting in surface alloys: Sb/Ag(111)
    Physical Review B 75, 075424 (2009)
  66. Gierz, C. Riedl, U. Starke, C. R. Ast, and K. Kern
    Atomic Hole Doping of Graphene
    Nano Letters 8, 4603-4607 (2008); arXiv:0808.0621
  67. E. Frantzeskakis, S. Pons, H. Mirhosseini, J. Henk, C. R. Ast, and M. Grioni
    Tuning of spin-gaps at silicon interfaces
    Physical Review Letters 101, 196805 (2008); arXiv:0805.3959
  68. C. R. Ast, M. Assig, A. Ast, and K. Kern
    Design criteria for scanning tunneling microscopes to reduce the response to external mechnanical disturbances
    Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 093704 (2008)
  69. L. Moreschini, A. Bendounan, C. R. Ast, F. Reinert, and M. Grioni
    The effect of rare gas adsorption on the spin-orbit split bands of a surface alloy: Xe on Bi/Ag(111)
    Physical Review B 77, 115407 (2008)
  70. C. R. Ast, D. Pacilé, L. Moreschini, M. C. Falub, M. Papagno, K. Kern, M. Grioni, J. Henk, A. Ernst, S. Ostanin, and P. Bruno
    Spin-orbit split two-dimensional electron gas with tunable Rashba and Fermi energy
    Physical Review B 77, 081407(R) (2008)
  71. C. R. Ast, J. Henk, A. Ernst, L. Moreschini, M. Falub, D. Pacilé, P. Bruno, K. Kern, and M. Grioni
    Giant spin-splitting through surface alloying
    Physical Review Letters 98, 186807 (2007)
  72. C. R. Ast, G. Wittich, P. Wahl, R. Vogelgesang, D. Pacilé, M. Falub, L. Moreschini, M. Papagno, M. Grioni, and K. Kern
    Local detection of spin-orbit splitting by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
    Physical Review B 75, 201401(R) (2007); arXiv:cond-mat/0509509
  73. D. Pacilé, C. R. Ast, M. Papagno, C. DaSilva, M. Grioni, and A. P. Seitsonen
    The electronic structure of the Pb/Ag(111) surface alloy
    Physical Review B 73, 245429 (2006)
  74. C. R. Ast, D. Pacilé, M. Papagno, T. Gloor, F. Mila, S. Fedrigo, H. Brune, G. Wittich, K. Kern, and M. Grioni
    Orbital selective overlayer-substrate hybridization in a Pb monolayer on Ag(111)
    Physical Review B 73, 245428 (2006)
  75. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    Reply to Comment: Momentum Dependent Energy Losses in Core Level Photoemission Spectra of Poorly Conducting Metals?
    Physical Review Letters 94, 209704 (2005)
  76. M. Grioni, C. R. Ast, D. Pacilé, M. Papagno, H. Berger, and L. Perfetti
    Photoemission as a probe of coexisting and conflicting periodicities in low-dimensional solids
    New Journal of Physics 7, 106 (2005)
  77. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    Final-state band structure-induced modulations of the photoemission line width in angle resolved valence band spectra: a case study on Bi(111)
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144–147, 679-683 (2005)
  78. G.-H. Gweon, S.-K. Mo, J. W. Allen, C. R. Ast, H. Höchst, J. L. Sarrao, and Z. Fisk
    Hidden one-dimensional electronic structure and non-Fermi liquid angle resolved photoemission line shapes of η − Mo4O11
    Physical Review B 72, 035126 (2005); arXiv:cond-mat/0507382
  79. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    High-resolution photoemission mapping of the three-dimensional band structure of Bi(111)
    Physical Review B 70, 245122 (2004)
  80. H. Höchst and C. R. Ast
    The Fermi Surfaces of Thin Sb(111) Films
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 137-140, 441-444 (2004)
  81. H. Höchst and C. R. Ast
    Momentum-dependent Low Energy Losses in Angle Resolved Core Level Photoemission Spectra
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 137-140, 407-411 (2004)
  82. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    Momentum Dependent Energy Losses in Core Level Photoemission Spectra of Poorly Conducting Metals?
    Physical Review Letters 91, 197602 (2003)
  83. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    The Electronic Structure of a Bismuth Bilayer
    Physical Review B 67, 113102 (2003)
  84. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    Indication of Charge Density Wave Formation in Bi(111)
    Physical Review Letters 90, 016403 (2003)
  85. C. Janowitz, R. Müller, L. Dudy, R.-St. Unger, A. Krapf, R. Manzke, C. R. Ast, and H. Höchst
    Progress in the understanding of the normal state of the cuprates
    Applied Physics A 76, 673-679 (2003)
  86. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    Two-dimensional band structure and self-energy of Bi(111) near the Γ point
    Physical Review B 66, 125103 (2002)
  87. C. Janowitz, R. Müller, M. Schneider, A. Krapf, H. Höchst, C. R. Ast, and R. Manzke
    Unusual electronic ground state of a prototype cuprate: Band splitting of single C uO2-plane Bi2Sr2−x LaxC uO6+δ
    Europhysics Letters 60, 615 (2002); arXiv:cond-mat/0107089
  88. R. Müller, C. Janowitz, M. Schneider, R.-St. Unger, A. Krapf, H. Dwelk, A. Müller, L. Dudy, R. Manzke, C. R. Ast, and H. Höchst
    Fermi surface and superconducting gap of triple-layered Bi2Sr2C a2Cu3O10+δ
    Journal of Superconductivity 15, 147-152 (2002)
  89. R. Müller, C. Janowitz, A. Krapf, M. Schneider, R.-St. Unger, L. Dudy, H. Dwelk, R. Manzke, H. Höchst, and C. R. Ast
    Photon energy dependence of ARPES-spectra of single layer Bi2Sr2−x LaxC uO6+δ
    Physica B 312, 91-93 (2002)
  90. C. Janowitz, R. Müller, M. Schneider, A. Krapf, H. Höchst, C. Ast, and R. Manzke
    Fermi surface of Bi-cuprates with variable number of CuO2 planes
    Physica C 364-365, 600-603 (2001)
  91. C. R. Ast and H. Höchst
    Fermi Surface of Bi(111) Measured by Photoemission Spectroscopy
    Physical Review Letters 87, 177602 (2001)



Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications – Christian R. Ast

  1. C. R. Ast
    A little bit of everything
    Nature Physics 14, 874 (2018)
  2. C. R. Ast
    Tunneln nahe dem Nullpunkt
    Physik in unserer Zeit 48, 230 (2017)
  3. C. R. Ast
    Tunneln am Quantenlimit
    Physik in unserer Zeit 48, 185 (2017)