Elisabeth Bauser Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research calls for applications for the Elisabeth Bauser Postdoctoral Fellowship for early-career female researchers. The Institute combines an exceptionally broad and interdisciplinary spectrum of expertise, undertaking fundamental condensed matter research on Quantum Materials, Electronic Structure and Quantum Many-Body Theory, Nanoscience, Solid State Spectroscopy, Solid State Ionics and Batteries, Quantum Electronics, Organic Electronics and Functional Materials.
We invite female postdoctoral scientists in an early career stage (up to 2 years after obtaining the PhD degree) to apply for the Elisabeth Bauser Postdoctoral Fellowship. The fellowship guarantees the full funding for a postdoctoral contract for up to two years and will be awarded yearly.
Applications can be made via email to cmsfp@... containing the following documents:
- Your CV
- Complete list of your publications
- Certificate of your doctoral degree
- Motivation letter indicating your research interests and experience (max. 2 pages)
- Your ideas for research to be conducted at MPI-FKF and the envisaged department or research group which should host you
- September 30th of each year
Dr. Elisabeth Bauser (* 19.04.1934 † 29.09.1996) was an award-winning scientist and the first tenured female reseacher at the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF). She was extraordinarily successful in growing semiconductor crystals, used in solar cells and for manufacturing of three-dimensional transistor structures.
- Dr. Elisabeth Bauser was born in Stuttgart on April 19, 1934, attended the Goethe High School in Ludwigsburg and graduated there in 1954 (Abitur).
- From 1954 to 1962 she studied physics at the Technical University of Stuttgart, and graduated in 1962 (Diplom).
- From 1962 to 1966, she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Theoretical and Applied Physics at at the Technical University of Stuttgart. During this time, she researched about noise on silicon single crystals and received her PhD in 1968 under Karl Seiler at Hermann Haken's chair with the topic "Stromrauschen an Silizium-Einkristallen bei tiefen Temperaturen".
- From 1966 to 1971 she worked at the Research Institute of the "Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt der Deutschen Bundespost" in Darmstadt (FTZ), where she learned the art and craft of growing crystals – especially with gallium arsenide layers – and developed her special field of liquid phase epitaxy of semiconductors.
- The Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research brought her to Stuttgart in 1971 to fulfill the Science Council's mandate for basic research and application in crystal growth. Elisabeth Bauser was extraordinarily successful in growing semiconductor crystals. She used liquid phase epitaxy. "She deposited crystal layers from a slowly cooling solution, so that the crystals grow close to thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. at low supersaturation and relatively low temperatures. The materials produced by Bauser and her working group were not only suitable for solar cells, but also for manufacturing of three-dimensional transistor structures." (Wikipedia)
- "She was extremely well respected internationally as a breeder of extremely pure semiconductor crystals and was courted as a supplier. Her gallium arsenide and silicon layers provided the sharpest spectra, the highest mobilities" (obituary by H.-J. Queisser).
- Until her death on September 29, 1996, she worked at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, where she headed the epitaxy group.
- In 1986 she received the prize of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung" (DGKK), which was awarded for the first time in 1986, for her work in the field of crystal growth and her contributions to the elucidation of the growth mechanisms of semiconductor layers in liquid phase epitaxy, endowed with 3,000 DM.
- In 1986, together with Manijeh Razeghi of the Laboratoire Central de Recherches Thomson-CSF-France Paris and Bruce A. Joyce of Philips Research Laboratories Redhill, Surrey, she was awarded the IBM Europe Prize for Science and Technology, which recognizes significant contributions to the advancement of materials science and is endowed with 100,000 ECU.
- In 2000, the Elisabeth-Bauser-Weg near the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart-Büsnau was named after her.