Quantum materials, represented by transition-metal oxides, display a plethora of exotic properties and also provide novel functions. The workshop "Novel Quantum and Functional Materials – Design and Synthesis –" covers the recent developments of new quantum and functional materials, physical and chemical properties of materials, and their applications.
The topics of workshop include
1) New quantum and functional materials
2) Crystal and magnetic structure of quantum materials
3) Oxide thin films and heterostructures
4) Design of quantum materials
This workshop is organized as an annual meeting of JSPS core-to-core program "Solid-state chemistry for transition-metal oxides" (program leader: Prof. Y. Shimakawa, Kyoto University). The program of the workshop consists of talks by invited speakers and core-to-core project members, and poster sessions.
The workshop is open for everyone, and participations of non-project members are highly welcome (registration required).