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Available projects

Project: Structural flexibility in Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for catalysis

Project ID: C-2025-01

PI: Simon Krause;;

Research Field(s): Exp. Chemistry

Duration: 3-6 month

Short description of the project:
In this project, we will focus on synthesizing metal-organic frameworks. To achieve different morphologies, we will try different approaches and synthesis strategies. The synthesized MOFs will be analyzed and characterized by various techniques such as powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electronic microscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis, and ad- and desorption experiments. The MOF shows a flexible behavior in response to a stimulus, and we will investigate the influence of several solvent mixtures. 

Required skills:

  • Interest in researching the intersection of synthetic and experimental chemistry of dynamic materials
  • Prior knowledge of pxrd are an optional asset
  • First experiences in synthetic chemistry and / or with nanomaterials
  • Good communication in English


Project: 2D Materials for Photomersistive devices 

Project ID: C-2025-02

PI: Bettina Lotsch

Research Field(s): Exp. Chemistry

Duration: 3-6 months

Short description of the project:
Memristive devices have gained significant attention owing to their potential applications in non-volatile memory, sensing and neuromorphic computing. The name memristor is the contraction of the two words “memory” and “resistor”. Therefore, memristive sensors can demonstrate sensing ability intimately based on the memristive effect. The combination of resistive switching devices with light-responsive materials is an attractive way for integrating optical information with electrical circuitry. Photomemristive devices hold the potential for the development of photo-electrochemical sensors for non-invasive and memory sensing applications. The rise of two-dimensional framework materials with tunable optoelectronic properties give ample of opportunities for their use as photomemristors. In this project, we will exploit the intrinsic charge storage properties of 2D framework materials to demonstrate memory sensing capability for the development of photomersistive devices.

Required skills:

  • Basic knowledge in chemistry, electrochemistry, and spectroscopy
  • Decent experimental (chemistry) lab skill is expected
  • Good communication in English
  • Above all, scientific curiosity, desire to learn new skills and scientific techniques.


Project: Role of Topological Quantum Materials in Hydrogen Evolution Reactions

Project ID: C-2025-03

PI: Dr. Risov Das

Research Field(s): Chemistry / Material Science

Duration: 4-6 month

Short description of the project:
Topological quantum materials (TQM) with robust metallic surface states and high carrier mobility are getting attention for their potential applications in catalysis. Namely, Weyl semimetals show high catalytic activity towards the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). This is an emerging field, which is continuously evolving with many experimentally unexplored TQM for catalysis. A better understanding of the underlying mechanism and the structure-property correlation in catalytically active TQM is necessary for the further advancement of the field and designing better catalysts. In this project, we aim to explore the catalytic activity of various types of TQM and seek to understand how the topological phase transition effects the catalytic process, in order to unveil the correlation between “topology and catalysis” for topologically nontrivial material majorly based on tin (Sn) and lead (Pb).

Required skills:

  • Knowledge in chemistry
  • Material characterization techniques
  • Catalysis
  • Good communication in English


Project: Design of Terahertz Magnetic Metasurfaces by Numerical Simulations

Project ID: C-2025-04

PI: Dr. Lorenzo Tesi

Research Field(s): Exp. Physics / Material Science

Duration: 5-6 months

Short description of the project:
This project focuses on the numerical design and optimization of terahertz (THz) magnetic metasurfaces, which are engineered materials with tailored electromagnetic properties that do not occur naturally. Utilizing advanced simulation tools, the student will explore the interaction of electromagnetic waves with magnetic metasurface structures, aiming to manipulate THz wave properties such as reflection, absorption, and polarization. The project involves computational modelling using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) or finite element method (FEM) techniques to design and analyse metasurfaces with resonant magnetic responses. Following the numerical design phase, the most promising structures will be fabricated using lithographic techniques and characterized experimentally via THz spectroscopy. These metasurfaces will ultimately serve as resonators for detecting thin films through magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Required skills:

  • An interest in at least one of the following areas: THz frequencies and their applications, the interaction of nanostructures with electromagnetic fields, the use of spectroscopic techniques for material analysis, magnetic resonance spectroscopy;
  • Background in materials science, optics, or solid-state physics;
  • Good communication and adaptability to international and multidisciplinary environments;
  • Basic experience with numerical simulation methods (e.g. FDTD or FEM);
  • Basic programming skills for analysing the data (e.g. Python or Matlab).


Project: Band topology of altermagnets

Project ID: C-2025-05

PI: Andreas P. Schnyder

Research Field(s): Theo. Physics 

Duration: 4-6 months

Short description of the project:
Topological materials exhibit unusual properties, such as exotic surface states and anomalous transport phenomena, that are unaffected by continuous deformations, e.g., stretching, compressing, or twisting. This makes topological materials promising for device applications, where robust properties are essential. In this project we focus on the topological phenomena of altermagnetic materials. As opposed to conventional (anti-)ferromagnets, altermagnets exhibit two sublattices that are related by rotations instead of inversion or translation, resulting in spin-split bands. Our aim is to classify Dirac, Weyl, and general multifold band degeneracies of altermagnets, and investigate their topological properties, including the resulting non-trivial Hall responses.

Required skills:

  • Experience with python programming, Mathematica, LaTeX
  • Interest in topological materials, crystallographic group theory, band structure calculation,
  • Good written and verbal communication skills, good team spirit
  • Good communication in English
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