Solid Electrolytes
Ion dynamics and transport in solids are at the heart of many applications ranging from sensing to electrochemical energy storage. Solid ion conductors, also known as solid electrolytes (SEs), are critical components in all-solid-state batteries, which potentially offer higher safety, paired with higher power and energy densities compared to commercial lithium ion batteries based on liquid electrolytes. In our department we develop new ultrafast, earth-abundant SEs for next-generation lithium and sodium solid-state batteries. We explore how ions move through solids and how we can rationally influence their transport properties by chemical design and microstructure engineering to develop high-performance batteries that are both safe and sustainable.
© Image courtesy of Verena Langowski (MPI for Solid State Research and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Key Publications
Superionic Conduction in the Plastic Crystal Polymorph of Na4P2S6
T. Scholz, C. Schneider, M. Terban, Z. Deng, R. Eger, M. Etter, R. Dinnebier, P. Canepa, B.V. Lotsch
ACS Energy Lett. 2022, 7, 1403–1411. Article
Enhancing Ionic Conductivity by In-Situ Formation of Li7SiPS8/Argyrodite Hybrid Solid Electrolytes
R. Calaminus, S. Harm, D Fabini, L Balzat, A.-K. Hatz, V. Duppel, I. Moudrakovski, B.V. Lotsch
Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 7666–7677. Article
Relevance of solid electrolytes for Li-based batteries: A realistic view
B.V. Lotsch, J. Maier
J. Electroceram. 2017, 38, 128–141. Article