Powder3D, Powder3D-IP and Powder3D-Parametric



To run Powder3D & Powder3D-IP successfully, you need to install the IDL virtual machine Version 6.3 (IDL VM 6.3). This can be downloaded from the IDL website http:www.ittvis.com/idlvm free of charge. Alternatively, it can be downloaded here (120 MByte).


To download Powder3D select the file Powder3D.zip  (ZIP file, 2 MByte).

To download the Powder3D tutorial only select the file Powder3D_tutorial.pdf  (PDF file, 1.7 MByte).

To download a sample data set consisting of 200 powder patterns select the file Powder3D_sample_files.zip (ZIP file, 3.6 MByte) (integrated powder diffraction patterns recorded during a heating/cooling cycle (298-->838-->298 K) of Rb2C2O4 ; Dinnebier, Vensky, Jansen, Hanson, Chemistry, a European Journal, 2004).


To download Powder3D-IP select the file Powder3D_IP.zip  (ZIP file, 2 MByte).

To download the Powder3D-IP tutorial only select the file Powder3D_IP_tutorial.pdf  (PDF file, 1.1 MByte).

To download a sample image of silicon recorded with a MAR345 Image plate system at beamline ID9 (ESRF) select the file Powder3D_IP_sample_files.zip  (ZIP file, 6.4 MByte).

     Powder3D has been tested successfully with IDL VM 6.3 for 32 bit Windows operating system.
     Powder3D will not (!) work properly with other versions of IDL VM.
      A minimum of 2GB RAM is advised

Installation instructions



To download Powder3D-Parametric select the file Powder3DParametric.zip  (ZIP file, 35.5 MByte).

To download the Powder3D-Parametric sample file select the file Sample_data.zip  (ZIP file, 0.7 MByte).

To download the Powder3DParametric-tutorial file select the file Powder3DParametric_tutorial.pdf  (pdf file, 1.3 MByte).


Please email questions and remarks to r.dinnebier@fkf.mpg.de.

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