X-Ray Diffraction
The X-Ray Diffraction facility provides diffraction measurement and analysis of polycrystalline materials using laboratory, synchrotron, and neutron sources, under ambient and non-ambient conditions. Research in the facility is mainly concerned with the determination of crystal structures and microstructural properties (strain, domain size) of condensed matter, along with methodological development within this area. Scientific cooperation in all fields of routine and non-routine analysis of powder diffraction data is offered. Special expertise in the field of ab-initio solution and refinement of crystal structures from powder diffraction data can be provided. Long-term research projects deal with the application of the method of maximum entropy (MEM) to powder diffraction data, parametric Rietveld refinement, automated analysis of 2D powder diffraction data, structure-property relationships of functional materials (e.g. thermochromic-, photochromic-, electronic-, magnetic-, building materials, mechanically responsive crystals), analysis of disordered materials using total scattering methods with pair distribution function analysis, theory of ferroelastic phase transitions, analysis of magnetic structures, in-situ monitoring of mechanochemical synthesis, gas loading of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), characterization of corrosion products found on heritage objects, etc.
X-Ray Diffraction Facility- An overview (PDF 1.8MB)