Seminars 2014
Date/Time | Speaker | Room | Institute | Title |
15.12.2014 11:00 h | B. Prasad | 4D2 | Device Materials Group, University of Cambridge | Epitaxial Oxide Spin-Filter Tunnel Junctions with Manganite Barriers |
09.10.2014 15:15 h | T. Hitosugi | 4D2 | Tohoku University, Japan | Investigation of Perovskite Oxides Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: LaAlO 3 /SrTiO 3 , SrVO 3 , (La,Ca)MnO 3 |
09.10.14 14:00 h | H. Hilgenkamp | 4D2 | MESA+Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, NL | Unit-Cell Sharp Magnetic Transition in LaMnO 3 Thin Films and Vortex Mott-Insulator State in Nb-Nanodot Arrays |
06.10.2014 15:00 h | H. Rogalla | 4D2 | EECE Dept., University of Colorado Boulder and Quantum Electronics Group, NIST Boulder | The Quest for Superconducting Supercomputers |
30.09.2014 11:00 h | L. Eng | 2D8 | Institute of Applied Physics, TU Dresden | Domain & Domain Wall Peculiarities in Ferroics |
17.07.2014 14:00 h | J. Nuss | 2D5 | MPI - FKF Joint Seminar Dept. Maier, Keimer, Mannhart, Takagi, and FG Lotsch | Anti-Perovskite Compounds – Structural Variations and Physical Properties |
17.07.2014 14:30 h | C. Zhu | 2D5 | MPI - FKF Joint Seminar Dept. Maier, Keimer, Mannhart, Takagi, and FG Lotsch | How to Get a Conversion Reaction Reversible? Lithium Storage in Nano-Dots |
02.07.2014 14:00 h | A. Caviglia | 2D8 | Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands | Ultrafast Magnetic Dynamics in Nickelates Heterostructures |
17.06.2014 15:00 h | F. Lichtenberg | 4D2 | ETH Zurich | Properties and Potentialities of Oxides of the Type A n B n O 3n+2 = ABO x |
16.06.2014 14:00 h | D. Fischer | 2D5 | MPI - FKF Joint Seminar Dept. Maier, Keimer, Mannhart, and FG Lotsch | Pulsed Laser Deposition of MOFs |
16.06.2014 14:30 h | H. Boschker | 2D5 | MPI - FKF Joint Seminar Dept. Maier, Keimer, Mannhart, and FG Lotsch | Piezoelectricity in SrTiO 3 ? |
11.06.2014 11:00 h | Y. Barash | 4D2 | Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moskau | A Strong Interfacial Pair Breaking and Highly Transparent Planar Weak Links |
09.05.2014 11:00 h | C.W. Schneider | 4D2 | Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz | Orthorhombic LuMnO3 Thin Films, a Multifunctional Multiferroic |
16.04.2014 14:00 h | C. Cancellieri | 2D8 | Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz | Photoemission Spectroscopy on Buried Complex Oxide Interfaces |
08.04.2014 13:30 h | F. Werner | 2D8 | Institut für Solarenergieforschung, Hameln (ISFH) | Aluminum Oxide for the Surface Passivation of Silicon Solar Cells |
14.03.2014 11:00 h | R. Mahato | 4D2 | MESA + Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Netherlands | Ultrahigh Magnetoresistance at Room Temperature in Molecular Wires |
13.03.2014 11:00 h | D. Schlom | 4D2 | Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, USA | Enhancing Oxide Properties Utilizing Strain and Defect Engineering |
12.03.2014 10:30 h | L. Kürten | 7D2 | Institut für angewandte Physik, KIT, Karlsruhe | Domain Imaging in Strain-Engineered Ferroelectric Oxide Superlattices |
28.02.2014 10:15 h | D. Brunner | 4D2 | ASML, Eindhoven, Netherlands | An Introduction to Fusion-grade Plasma Probes and Space Charge |
27.02.2014 11:00 h | F. Cichos | 4D2 | Molecular Nanophotonics Group, Universität Leipzig | Hot Nanostructures |
26.02.2014 11:00 h | T. Lippert | 4D2 | Materials Group, Paul Scherrer Institute, ETH Zurich | Thin Film Deposition: Understanding the Process is the Key |
17.02.2014 14:00 h | P. Hirschfeld | 4D2 | Dep. of Physics, University of Florida, USA | Interplay of Disorder, Nematicity and Magnetism in Fe-based Superconductors |
11.02.2014 10:00 h | F. Miletto | 4D2 | CNR-SPIN Institute, Naples, Italy | Two Dimensional Electron Gases at Oxide Interfaces: the Role of Oxygen Vacancies |
07.02.2014 9:30 h | I. Vrejoiu | 2D5 | MPI-FKF, Minerva Group Leader, Dept. Mannhart | Properties of Manganite / Ruthenate Superlattices with Ultrathin Layers |
30.01.2014 10:30 h | D. Samuelis | 4D2 | MPI-FKF, Dept. Maier | Introduction to the Department´s New X-ray Diffractometers |
Past Events |
12.-13. September 2014 Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung Cardona Memorial 2014 - Manuel Cardona - Electrons, Phonons, and Photons in Semiconductors |
5. April 2014 Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart Tag der offenen Tür |