Materials with strongly correlated quantum particles are at the forefront of present solid state research. Understanding the experimental properties of novel quantum materials crucially relies on the application of cutting-edge analytical and numerical tools.
This workshop aims at bringing together world-leading experts in both analytical and numerical theory to advance the current perspective on important questions of the field: What are the signatures of quantum order in newly synthesized experimental setups? Which aspects of quantum materials can be described on the model level? What are the computational and algorithmic boundaries hindering the solution of the many-body problem? What is the nature of phase transitions between these novel states of matter?

Keynote speakers
- Andrey Chubukov (U Minnesota)
- Piers Coleman (Rutgers U)
- Jan von Delft (LMU Munich)
- Sean Hartnoll (U Cambridge)
- Karsten Held (TU Wien)
- Alexander Lichtenstein (U Hamburg)
- Natalia Perkins (U Minnesota)
Invited Speakers
- Annica Black-Schaffer (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Lilia Boeri (Sapienza, Rome)
- Massimo Capone (SISSA, Trieste)
- Premala Chandra (Rutgers U)
- Ilya Eremin (RU Bochum)
- Michel Ferrero (Collège de France & École Polytechnique)
- Philipp Hansmann (U Erlangen-Nuremberg)
- Lukas Janssen (TU Dresden)
- Friedrich Krien (TU Wien)
- Fabian Kugler (Rutgers U)
- Alex Levchenko (U Wisconsin-Madison)
- Jed Pixley (Rutgers U)
- Georg Rohringer (U Hamburg)
- Achim Rosch (U Cologne)
- Giorgio Sangiovanni (U Würzburg)
- Jörg Schmalian (Karlsruhe IT)
- Ronny Thomale (U Würzburg)
- Alessandro Toschi (TU Wien)
We gratefully acknowledge support by ICAM.