Nano-Bio Interfaces
Nanoscale tools serve as ideal interfaces to interrogate biological systems since the sizes of many nanostructures are comparable to that of typical biomolecules. The activities in this research direction are aimed at characterizing biomolecules with a high resolution on the nanoscale. Individual biomolecules are soft-landed under clean vacuum conditions on substrate using the unique electrospray deposition method developed in the Department (collab: Prof. Stephan Rauschenbach, Oxford), and subsequently imaged by scanning probe microscopy (collab: Prof. Schlickum, TU Braunschweig) and low energy electron holography with ultimate resolution.
Responsible Scientists:
Dr. Kelvin Anggara (link)
Dr. Luigi Malavolti
Team Members
Moritz Edte, Rebecca Forth, Dr. Dhaneesh Kumar Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Jimin Ham, Shengpeng Huang, Myriam Wadsack, Dr. Ben Yang
Key Publications
Kelvin Anggara, Laura Sršan, Thapakorn Jaroentomeechai, Xu Wu, Stephan Rauschenbach, Yoshiki Narimatsu, Henrik Clausen, Thomas Ziegler, Rebecca L. Miller, Klaus Kern
Direct observation of glycans bonded to proteins and lipids at single molecule level
Science 382, 219 (2023)
Johannes Seibel, Giulio Fittolani, Hossein Mirhosseini, Xu Wu, Stephan Rauschenbach, Kelvin Anggara, Peter H. Seeberger, Martina Delbianco, Thomas D. Kühne, Uta Schlickum, Klaus Kern
Visualizing chiral interactions in carbohydrates adsorbed on Au(111) by high-resolution STM imaging
Angewandte Chemie 62, e202305733 (2023)
Hannah Ochner, Sven Szilagyi, Moritz Edte, Tim K. Esser, Stephan Rauschenbach, Luigi Malavolti, Klaus Kern
Imaging conformations of holo- and apo-transferrin on the single-molecule level by low-energy electron holography
Scientific Reports 13, 10241 (2023)
Kelvin Anggara, Hannah Ochner, Sven Szilagyi, Luigi Malavolti, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern
Landing proteins on graphene trampoline preserves their gas-phase folding on the surface
ACS Central Science 9, 151 (2023)
Hannah Ochner, Stephan Rauschenbach, Luigi Malavolti
Electrospray ion beam deposition plus low-energy electron holography as a tool for imaging individual biomolecules
Essays Biochem 67, 151 (2023)
Hannah Ochner, Sven Szilagyi, Sabine Abb, Joseph Gault, Carol V. Robinson, Luigi Malavolti, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern
Low-energy electron holography imaging of conformational variability of single-antibody molecules from electrospray ion beam deposition
PNAS 118, e2112651118 (2021)
Kelvin Anggara, Yuntao Zhu, Giulio Fittolani, Yang Yu, Theodore Tyrikos-Ergas, Martina Delbianco, Stephan Rauschenbach, Sabine Abb, Peter H. Seeberger, Klaus Kern
Identifying the origin of local flexibility in a carbohydrate polymer
PNAS 118, e2102168118 (2021)
Lukas Krumbein, Kelvin Anggara, Martina Stella, Tomasz Michnowicz, Hannah Ochner, Sabine Abb, Gordon Rinke, André Portz, Michael Dürr, Uta Schlickum, Andrew Baldwin, Andrea Floris, Klaus Kern, Stephan Rauschenbach
Fast Molecular Compression by a Hyperthermal Collision Gives Bond-Selective Mechanochemistry
Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 056001 (2021)
Kelvin Anggara, Yuntao Zhu, Martina Delbianco, Stephan Rauschenbach, Sabine Abb, Peter H. Seeberger, Klaus Kern
Exploring the Molecular Conformation Space by Soft Molecule-Surface Collision
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 21420 (2020)
Xu Wu, Martina Delbianco, Kelvin Anggara, Tomasz Michnowicz, Alonso Pardo-Vargas, Priya Bharate, Suman Sen, Marcel Pristl, Stephan Rauschenbach, Uta Schlickum, Sabine Abb, Peter H. Seeberger, Klaus Kern
Imaging single glycans
Nature, 582, 375 (2020)
Sabine Abb, Nathalie Tarrat, Juan Cortes, Bohdan Andriyevsky, Ludger Harnau, J. Christian Schön, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern
Carbohydrate Self-Assembly at Surfaces: STM Imaging of Sucrose Conformation and Ordering on Cu(100)
Angewandte Chemie 131, 8424 (2019)
André Portz, Markus Baur, Gordon Rinke, Sabine Abb, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern, Michael Dürr
Chemical analysis of complex surface-adsorbed molecules and their reactions by means of cluster-induced desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry 90, 3328 (2018)
Jean-Nicolas Longchamp, Stephan Rauschenbach, Sabine Abb, Conrad Escher, Tatiana Latychevskaia, Klaus Kern, Hans-Werner Fink
Imaging proteins at the single-molecule level
PNAS 114, 1474 (2017)
Stephan Rauschenbach, Markus Ternes, Ludger Harnau, Klaus Kern
Mass Spectrometry as a Preparative Tool for the Surface Science of Large Molecules
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 9, 473 (2016)