Advancing In-Situ TEM for Determining and Manipulating the Properties of Functional Materials and Devices
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with in-situ electrical and electro-thermal probing requires particularly clean, pristine, contamination-free electron transparent samples. Our novel and optimized focused ion beam (FIB)-based methodology is specifically designed for in-situ studies on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) chips. Our approach minimizes manipulation steps and deposition of platinum (Pt), a major source of contamination. Crucially, an alternative lamella orientation during the lift-out procedure allows direct attachment to the MEMS chips, eliminating the need for a separate attach/detach steps. The presented methodology is universally applicable for the deposition of lamellae on any MEMS chip or flat surface. The effect of sample preparation parameters on the electrical performance was systematically investigated. The work presented represents a significant advancement for in-situ TEM studies of diverse materials that are amenable to standard FIB preparation.
1. V. Srot, R. Straubinger, F. Predel, P. A. van Aken. Preparation of High-Quality Samples for MEMS-Based In-Situ (S)TEM Experiments, Microscopy and Microanalysis 29, 596–605 (2023).
2. V. Srot, R. Straubinger, F. Predel, P. A. van Aken. Advancing In-Situ Sample Preparation for MEMS-Based Electrical and Electro-Thermal (S)TEM Characterization. Microscroscopy and Microanalysis 30 (Suppl 1), 1588–1589 (2024).
V.Srot: Preparation of High-Quality Samples for MEMS-Based In-Situ Electrical and Electro-Thermal (S)TEM Experiments. Protochips Webinar Series ``Sample Preparation in In Situ TEM``, Part 3
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