Microstructure-Property Synergy in Functional Materials

Microstructure-Property Synergy in Functional Materials

Understanding the intricate relationship between microstructure and properties is critical to unlocking new advances and driving innovation. Most functional materials typically involve complex microstructures composed of simple materials. Our research focuses on resolving material microstructures from the micro- to the nanoscale and establishing relationships and their impact on material properties. Our approach is twofold: (i) to study the detailed microstructure and nano-chemistry of natural and engineered materials, and (ii) to relate the microstructure and chemistry of materials to their physical and mechanical properties, and to determine material properties by applying stimuli to simple engineered materials, measuring their response, and observing possible microstructural changes.

The transformation of natural biological materials from their living state to a dry state during the preparation requires a special approach in order to ensure robust and reliable results. By adopting a multifaceted approach to sample preparation, the strategic choices allow us to preserve the original chemical composition of the samples and eliminate possible sources of contamination or artifacts. Similarly, our novel approach to preparing samples of functional materials for in-situ experiments allows us to determine their response to applied stimuli without being influenced by the preparation. The synergistic fusion of state-of-the-art optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy methods allows us to link the microstructure and properties of materials under investigation.

Our vision is to learn from nature and influence the understanding and development of functional materials and devices.

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