– Where are we going –
A key component of breakthroughs in various fields of research is often the synthesis of new materials and their single crystal growth. Currently, many quantum materials are emerging from the synthesis efforts of active scientists. This workshop aims to bring together junior and senior experts working on the synthesis of novel quantum materials to exchange ideas.
The Scientific Facility "Crystal Growth” at MPI-FKF are organizing this event with support of the Takagi Department inorder to construct a platform of materials synthesis and crystal growth in Europe. The workshop also thanks Dr. Reinhard Kremer on the occasion of his retirement for his long-lasting contributions to new materials synthesis, crystal growth and characterization over decades at MPI-FKF.
Evening arrival: September 10, 2023
Afternoon departure: September 13, 2023
Hotel Landgut Burg GmbH
Landgut Burg 1
71384 Weinstadt-Beutelsbach, Germany
Keynote speakers
- J. Paul Attfield, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Antoine Maignan, ENSICAEN, France
- Hidenori Takagi, MPI-FKF
Invited speakers (in alphabetical order)
- Ziya Aliev, Baku State University, Azerbaijan
- Andreas Bauer, TUM
- Eva Benckiser, MPI-FKF
- Dalila Bounoua, LLB, France
- Monica Ciomaga Hatnean, PSI, Switzerland
- Dariusz Gawryluk, PSI, Switzerland
- Alexandra Gibbs, University of St Andrews, UK
- Amir-Abbas Haghighirad, KIT
- Anton Jesche, University Augsburg
- Guratinder Kaur, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Yun Sung Kim, POSTECH, Korea
- Seunghyun Khim, MPI CPfS
- Akiko Kikkawa, RIKEN, Japan
- Kristin Kliemt, University Frankfurt
- Rüdiger Klingeler, University Heidelberg
- Alexandra Krajewska, MPI-FKF
- Jürgen Nuss, MPI-FKF
- Diana Lucia Quintero Castro, University of Stavanger, Norway
- Romain Franck Sibille, PSI, Switzerland
- Tomohiro Takayama, MPI-FKF
- Björn Wehinger, ESRF, France
- Sabine Wurmehl, IFW
- Arvind Yogi, UGC-DAE, India
- Hiroyuki Yoshida, Hokkaido University, Japan