Successful TEM depends on many parameters, one being the preparation of high quality specimens. With the tremendous advances in spatial and spectral resolution of state of the art microscopes, the quality of the samples examined has become a major limiting factor for quantitative analysis at the nanometer scale.
StEM has advanced specimen preparation facilities and the know-how to meet today’s requirements for a broad range of material systems. The methods employed include plan-view / cross-section preparation of hard materials using Automated Tripod Polishing with low-energy / low temperature ion beam milling, Ultramicrotomy for both organic and inorganic materials, electrolytic polishing of metals and semiconductors, as well as Focus Ion Beam (FIB) and NanoMill for precision sample machining.
Recipes and protocols for sample preparation developed by StEM group in ESTEEM project:
TEM sample preparation of sensitive hybrid biological materials
TEM sample preparation of metal/alloy nanotubes
TEM sample preparation of natural layered hybrid materials
Recipe for TEM sample preparation of Bi2Te3 samples
TEM sample preparation of W/SiC composite fibers
TEM sample preparation of sensitive hybrid biological materials
TEM sample preparation of natural layered hybrid materials
Recipe for TEM sample preparation of Bi2Te3 samples
TEM sample preparation of W/SiC composite fibers
TEM sample preparation of metal/alloy nanotubes
The sample preparation facility houses dedicated equipment including:
Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System (PIPS 2) Model 695 with cooling and low energy.
Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System (PIPS 2) Model 695 with cooling and low energy.
Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System (PIPS 1) Model 691 with cooling and low Energy
Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System (PIPS 1) Model 691 with cooling and low Energy
Plasma Cleaner Nano Clean 1070
Plasma Cleaner Nano Clean 1070
Buehler Isomet low speed saw
Buehler Isomet low speed saw
K.D. Unipress (I-B-S) Wire saw type WS-22
K.D. Unipress (I-B-S) Wire saw type WS-22
Allied MultiPrep System TEM wedge polisher (tripod polisher automated)
Allied MultiPrep System TEM wedge polisher (tripod polisher automated)
South Bay Technology Tripod Polisher 590 TEM wedge polishing kit (manual)
South Bay Technology Tripod Polisher 590 TEM wedge polishing kit (manual)
Gatan Disc Grinder 623
Gatan Disc Grinder 623
Gatan Dimple Grinder 656
Gatan Dimple Grinder 656
Gatan Ultrasonic Disc Cutter Model 601
Gatan Ultrasonic Disc Cutter Model 601
South Bay Technology Abrasive Slurry Disc Cutter Model 360
South Bay Technology Abrasive Slurry Disc Cutter Model 360
Buehler Minimet 1000 Grinder/Polisher
Buehler Minimet 1000 Grinder/Polisher
South Bay Technology Small Angle Cleavage Technique Kit (SACT)
South Bay Technology Small Angle Cleavage Technique Kit (SACT)
Struers Tenupol 5 electrolytic polisher
Struers Tenupol 5 electrolytic polisher
Jurca Coaxial optical distance measurer
Jurca Coaxial optical distance measurer
Optical Microscopes
Optical Microscopes
Leica EM UC6/FC6 Ultramicrotome
Leica EM UC6/FC6 Ultramicrotome
Leica EM Trim 2
Leica EM Trim 2
Leica Ultracut UCT
Leica Ultracut UCT
FEI SCIOS: 1 nm SEM resolution, 5 nm FIB resolution, -15° to +90° tilt range, BSE detector.
FEI SCIOS: 1 nm SEM resolution, 5 nm FIB resolution, -15° to +90° tilt range, BSE detector.
Fischione NanoMill® TEM specimen preparation system
Fischione NanoMill® TEM specimen preparation system
Materialographic sample preparation
A continuous consistent description of the microstructure is possible using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. For that purpose high quality materialographic preparation is necessary to avoid misinterpretation of microstructures. Different devices for surface and cross-sectional preparation are available. Investigations can be done for metals, ceramics, polymers and their composites.
In the following you find the available devices used in our laboratory:
TegraPol-35 plus TegraForce 5 half-automaticgrinding and polishing device (Struers)
TegraPol-35 plus TegraForce 5 half-automaticgrinding and polishing device (Struers)
RotoPol-2 manually used grinding maschine (Struers)
RotoPol-2 manually used grinding maschine (Struers)
ProntoPress 20 warm-setting molding device (including temperature and pressure control) (Struers)
ProntoPress 20 warm-setting molding device (including temperature and pressure control) (Struers)
Minicut low-speed precisions saw (Scan-Dia)
Minicut low-speed precisions saw (Scan-Dia)
Accutom 50 precisions saw (Struers)
Accutom 50 precisions saw (Struers)
DSM 982 Gemini SEM (Zeiss)
DSM 982 Gemini SEM (Zeiss)
EM ACE 600coater for carbon and metal coatings (Leica)
EM ACE 600coater for carbon and metal coatings (Leica)
Lectropol 5 electrolytic polishing and etching device (Struers)
Lectropol 5 electrolytic polishing and etching device (Struers)