The image-aberration-corrected JEOL ARM200F incorporates the latest developments in TEM to give excellent spatial resolution in HRTEM imaging. It has a cold field-emission gun, with a range of available accelerating voltages (30 kV, 60 kV, 80 kV and 200 kV). It has state-of-the art EELS and EDX systems for advanced chemical analysis. The system includes HAADF, ABF, and BF detectors, and can accommodate sample holders for in-situ heating and cooling as well as for electron tomography.
© MPI-IS / van Aken

The Zeiss Sub-Electron-volt Sub-Angstrom Microscope (SESAM) is a unique TEM, with a monochromator and an in-column MANDOLINE energy filter. The microscope column is suspended from an ultra-stable support frame to provide excellent isolation. The SESAM was developed to provide the best performance in analytical electron microscopy combined with very high spatial resolution.
© MPI-IS / van Aken

The JEOL ARM 1250 was designed to maximize image resolution through the use of a high accelerating voltage. It has a LaB6 source that can be operated at an accelerating voltage of up to 1250 kV. The large size of the components required to support this voltage mean this TEM takes up two storeys, which is a factor in the rarity of instruments with this design. This TEM is suitable for in-situ experiments with a video system installed and an incorporated drift-correction system.
© MPI-IS / van Aken

We studied of ZrO2–La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 pillar–matrix thin films which were found to show anomalous magnetic and electron transport properties. With the application of an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope, interfacial chemistry, and atomic-arrangement of the system, especially of the pillar–matrix interface were revealed at atomic resolution. Minor amounts of Zr were found to occupy Mn positions within the matrix. The Zr concentration reaches a minimum near the pillar–matrix interface accompanied by oxygen vacancies. La and Mn diffusion into the pillar was revealed at atomic resolution and a concomitant change of the Mn valence state was observed.
D. Zhou, W. Sigle, E. Okunishi, Y. Wang, M. Kelsch, H.-U. Habermeier, P.A. van Aken
Interfacial chemistry and atomic arrangement of ZrO2–La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 pillar-matrix structures
APL Materials 2, 127301 (2014)
© MPI-IS / van Aken