Preprint / Submitted
Electronic structure of the alternating monolayer-trilayer phase of La3Ni2O7
S.N. Abadi, K.-J. Xu, E.G. Lomeli, P. Puphal, M. Isobe, Y. Zhong, A.V. Fedorov, S.-K. Mo, M. Hashimoto, D.-H. Lu, B. Moritz, B. Keimer, T.P. Devereaux, M. Hepting, and Z.-X. Shen
Hydride superconductivity: here to stay
G.S. Boebinger, A.V. Chubukov, I.R. Fisher, F.M. Grosche, P.J. Hirschfeld, S.R. Julian, B. Keimer, S.A. Kivelson, A.P. Mackenzie, Y. Maeno, J. Orenstein, B.J. Ramshaw, S. Sachdev, J. Schmalian, and M. Vojta
Stabilization of U 5f2 configuration in UTe2 through U 6d dimers in the presence of Te2 chains
D.S. Christovam, M. Sundermann, A. Marino, D. Takegami, J. Falke, P. Dolmantas, M. Harder, H. Gretarsson, B. Keimer, A. Gloskovskii, M.W. Haverkort, I. Elfimov, G. Zwicknagl, A.V. Andreev, L. Havela, M.M. Bordelon, E.D. Bauer, P.F.S. Rosa, A. Severing, and L.H. Tjeng
Interplay between electronic and lattice superstructures in La2−xCaxCuO4
S. Hameed, Y. Liu, K.S. Rabinovich, G. Kim, P. Wochner, G. Christiani, G. Logvenov, K. Higuchi, N.B. Brookes, E. Weschke, F. Yakhou-Harris, A.V. Boris, B. Keimer, and M. Minola
Magnetic ground state of the dimer-based hexagonal perovskite Ba3ZnRu2O9
S. Hayashida, H. Gretarsson, P. Puphal, M. Isobe, E. Goering, Y. Matsumoto, J. Nuss, H. Takagi, M. Hepting, and B. Keimer
Formation of orbital molecules on a pyrochlore lattice induced by A-O bond covalency
A. von Hoegen, M. Fechner, M. Först, J. Porras, B. Keimer, M. Michael, E. Demler, A. CA. Krajewska, A. Yaresko, J. Nuss, A. S. Gibbs, S. Bette, M. Blankenhorn, R.E. Dinnebier, D.P. Sari, I. Watanabe, J. Bertinshaw, H. Gretarsson, K. Ishii, D. Matsumura, T. Tsuji, M. Isobe, B. Keimer, H. Takagi, and T. Takayama
Photoinduced phase switching at a Mott insulator-to-metal transition
K.S. Rabinovich, A.N. Yaresko, R.D. Dawson, M.J. Krautloher, Y.-L. Mathis, B. Keimer, and A.V. Boris
Deconstructing the spin susceptibility of a cuprate superconductor
R. Zhou, I. Vinograd, M. Hirata, T. Wu, H. Mayaffre, S.Krämer, W.N. Hardy, R. Liang, D.A. Bonn, T. Loew, J. Porras, B. Keimer, and M.-H. Julien