Seminars 2012
18. Dez. 2012
Markus Braden, Universität zu Köln
Magnetic correlations in layered ruthenates
10. Dez. 2012
Shigeki Onoda, RIKEN, Japan
Higgs Transitions in quantum spin ice
21. Nov. 2012
Takami Tohyama, Kyoto University, Japan
Electronic Excitations in 3d Transition-Metal Compounds Revealed by Simulated Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering: From Cuprates to Chromium
20. Nov. 2012
Dmitri Ivanov, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Phase transitions in full counting statistics
16. Nov. 2012
Mikhail Skvortsov, Landau Institute, Moscow, Russia
Supgap states in disordered superconductors
14. Nov. 2012
Marcin Raczkowski, Universität Würzburg
Dimensional-Crossover-Driven Mott Transition in the Frustrated Hubbard Model
31. Okt. 2012
Layla Hormozi, NUI Maynooth, Ireland
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect of Lattice Bosons Near Commensurate Flux
30. Okt. 2012
Raymond Fresard, Cristmant-ENSICAEN, Caen, France
Exotic spin, charge and pairing correlations of the two-dimensional doped Hubbard model: A symmetry entangled mean-field approach
24. Okt. 2012
Jan Kunes, Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic
Electronic correlations in the vicinity of spin state transition
20. Sep. 2012
Nilolaj Bittner, TU München
Response and collective modes in two-band superconductors
13. Sep. 2012
Feliciano Giustino, University of Oxford, Great Britain
First-principles computational approaches to biomimetic photovoltaics and superconductivity
11. Sep. 2012
Ali Alavi, University of Cambridge, Great Britain
Quantum Monte Carlo approach to the Full Configuration Interaction problem
28. Aug. 2012
Götz S. Uhrig, Universität Dortmund
Triplon Decay and Breakdown of the Quasiparticle Picture
16. Aug. 2012
Oded Zilberberg, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel
Topological states and adiabatic pumping in quasicrystals
15. Aug. 2012
Norio Kawakami, Kyoto University, Japan
Correlation Effects on Topological Insulators
14. Aug. 2012
Bruce Normand, Renmin University, Beijing, China
Mulitcolored quantum dimer models, resonating valence-bond states, colour visions, and the triangular-lattice t2g spin-orbial system
9. Aug. 2012
Eslam Khalaf, Universität Stuttgart
Spiral phases in a mean field treatment for the t-J model
25. Jul. 2012
Elio König, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Interaction and disorder effects in 3D topological insulator thin films
20. Jul. 2012
Robert Eder, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Fermi surface change in cuprate superconductors
19. Jul. 2012
Ryotaro Arita, University of Tokyo, Japan
Exotic phase transitions in multi-orbital d- and f-electron systems: insights from orbital-resolved Fermilogy
13. Jul. 2012
Eberhard K. U. Gross, MPI für Microstucturphysik, Halle
Hot to predict the critical temperature of superconductors: Toward an ab-initio theory of superconductivity
4. Jul. 2012
Jun Goryo, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Possible pairing symmetries in SrPtAs with a local lack of inversion center
27. Jun. 2012
Jeffrey B. Neaton, Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., Berkeley, USA
Understanding Electronic Structure and Charge Transport at Functional Interfaces
19. Jun. 2012
Federico Benitez, University of Paris, France
Some exact results in branching an annihilating random walks
13. Jun. 2012
Titus Neupert, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villingen, Switzerland
Fractional Topological Insulators
29. Mai. 2012
Pavel Ioselevic, Landau Institute, Moscow, Russia
Majorana fermions in superconductor-topological insulator junctions
27. Apr. 2012
Lambert Alff, TU Darmstadt
Advanced (oxide) molecular beam epitaxy as synthesis tool for complex multi-cation compounds: Arsenic-free pnictide superconductors and oxygen engineered HfO2-x
24. Apr. 2012
Barbara Mansart, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
Non-retarded pairing interaction in a high-Tc cuprate from Coherent Charge Fluctuation Spectroscopy
23. Mrz. 2012
Doron Bergman, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
Topological insulators and related materials: Physics at the Edge
7. Mrz. 2012
Jose Carmelo
Spin-spectral-weight distribution and energy range of the parent compound La2CuO4
2. Mrz. 2012
Masahito Mochizuki, University of Tokyo, Japan
Dynamical Magnetoelectric Phenomena in Multiferroic Mn Perovskites
28. Feb. 2012
Adolfo Avella, University of Salerno, Italy
Resonant generation of coherent phonons in a superconductor & Defect states and electron correlations in multi-band Mott insulators
23. Feb. 2012
Andres Greco, University of Rosario, Argentina
Pseudogap and Fermi arcs in cuprates superconductors
15. Feb. 2012
Jesko Sirker, Universität Kaiserlautern
Decoherence, relaxation and thermalization in one-dimensional quantum models
2. Feb. 2012
Lars Fritz, Universität zu Köln
Topological insulators: surface quantum Hall effect and surface criticality
25. Jan. 2012
Karlo Penc, University of Budapest, Hungary
Quadrupolar ordering in spin systems
19. Jan. 2012
Matthias Ossadnik, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
A wave packet approach to interacting fermions
18. Jan. 2012
Mikhail Kiselev, The Abdus Alam Intern. Centre for Theor. Physics, Trieste, Italy
Slow Noise in Landau-Zener Theory
12. Jan. 2012
Philipp Strack, Havard University, USA
Tunable quantum glasses and phase transitions for atoms and photons: first testable predictions for glassy physics with many-body cavity QED