Publications 2025
1069.Y. Sun, M.T. Birch, S. Finizio, L. Powalla, S. Satheesh, T. Priessnitz, E. Goering, E. Knöckl, C. Kastl, A. Holleitner, K. Kern, M. Weigand, S. Wintz, and M. Burghard
Localized spin textures stabilized by geometry-induced strain1 in 2D magnet Fe3GeTe2
submitted (2025)
1068. K. Litzius, L. Powalla, M.T. Birch, S. Wintz, D. Mayoh, G. Balakrishnan, M. Weigand, G. Schütz, and M. Burghard
Temperature-dependent current-induced skyrmion motion in a van der Waals magnet
submitted (2025)
1067. H. Huang, J.C. Schön, and C.R. Ast
Surface reconstruction induced anisotropic energy landscape of bismuth monomers and dimers on the Si(001) surface
submitted (2024) (also: arXiv:2309.03098)
1066. C.R. Ast, P. Kot, M. Ismail, S. de-la-Peña, A.I. Fernández-Domínguez, and J. C. Cuevas
Theory of Electron Spin Resonance in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
submitted (2024)
1065. T. Hache, A. Anshu, T. Shalomayeva, R. Stöhr, K. Kern, J. Wrachtrup, and A. Singha
Nanoscale Mapping of Magnetic Auto-oscillations with a single Spin Sensor
submitted (2024) (also: arXiv:2406.15849)
1064. C. Yang, R.A. Ortiz, H. Wang, W. Sigle, K. Anggara, E. Benckiser, B. Keimer, and P.A. van Aken
Atomic-scale observation of geometric frustration in a fluorine-intercalated infinite layer nickelate superlattice
Submitted (2024) (also: arXiv:2408.14157)
1063. J.C. Schön
Enhancing synthesis prediction via machine learning.
Nature Computational Science (2025)
1062. A. Grewal, H. Imada, K. Miwa, M. Imai-Imada, K. Kimura, R.Jaculbia, K. Kuhnke, K. Kern, and Y. Kim
Single-molecule phosphorescence and intersystem crossing in a coupled exciton-plasmon system
submitted (2024) (also: arXiv:2502.10150)
1061. K. Kaiser, A. Rosławska, M. Romeo, F. Scheurer, T. Neuman, and G. Schull
Electrically driven cascaded photon-emission in a single molecule
submitted (2024) (also: arXiv:2402.17536)
1060. D. Zagorac, J. Zagorac, T. Škundrić, M. Pejić, D. Jovanović, and J.C. Schön
Structure Prediction and Mechanical Properties of Tantalum Carbide (TaC) on ab initio Level
Journal of inorganic and General Chemistry (2024)
1059. N. Geue, D. Kumar, J. Ham, S. Huang, G.A. Timco, N.A. Burton, R.E.P. Winpenny, K. Anggara, and P.E. Barran
Molecular Self-Assembly, Reassembly and Disassembly of {Cr6} Horseshoe Oligomers
submitted (2024) (also: chemRxiv: 2024-zfhsx)
1058. L.-Q. Zheng, A. Grewal, K. Anggara, F.J.R. Costa, C.C. Leon, K. Kuhnke, and K. Kern
Electronic interaction between metal porphyrins and NaCl revealed by scanning tunneling microscopy at molecular transport gap energies
submitted (2024)