The focus of our research is to integrate the techniques of attosecond physics, scanning tunneling microscopy and ultrafast Raman spectroscopy to realize a four-dimensional space-time quantum microscope to capture electrons and atoms in action in molecules, two-dimensional materials and superconductors. The four-dimensional microscope is capable of probing matter at fundamental space-time quantum limits. We also pursue experiments on molecules present in the cavity of 'on-chip' nanodevices exploring different regimes of light-matter interaction.
Imaging atomic motion in a single moleculebyfemtosecond broadband CARS
Electron oscillations driven by light-pulses in an on-chip nanodevice, comprising of two gold bowtie nanoatnennas were measured directly in time by using the self-referencing technique of optical homodyne beating.
Imaging electronic motion in molecules.
Ultimate stability of vibration, temperature and humidity in the Precision Laboratory of MPI-Stuttgart
Two-cycle long phase stable laser pulses shine junction of an STM
Group members (Sept. 2024)
Tracking electron oscillations in an ”on-chip” quantum nanodevice.
By tuning the wavelength of the exciting laser it is possible to selectively excite vibrational modes in a single molecule. On interaction with a red-laser, motion of the nitrogen atoms is activated (bottom-inset), whereas on interaction with an orange-laser, the motion of Hydrogen atoms in a single free base phthalocyanine molecule is activated (top-inset)