Exciting physical properties originate from the ordering of charges, spins and orbitals in solids. Famous examples for such phenomena range from the Verwey transition in Magnetite to charge stripe formations in high-temperature superconducting cuprates. Besides charges also the electron spins are able to order and also an interplay of spin, charge and orbital degrees of freedom appears in such systems. The goal of the present project is to participate in the synthesis of novel transition metal oxide materials with almost unique mirror furnaces (Fig. 1) under extreme conditions (high temperature and high pressure) as well as in the study of orbital, charge and magnetic ordering in these synthesized compounds with different techniques.
We invite students to participate in our ongoing research on an eight months visiting basis which includes the synthesis of interesting transition metal compounds and the study of charge, orbial and magnetic order with various techniques including synchrotron and neutron facilities.
Dr. Alexander Christoph Komarek,
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany
Email: Komarek@cpfs.mpg.de
Homepage: http://www.cpfs.mpg.de/komarek