August 2014
ICPS 2014,
"Unconventional even denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in ZnO two-dimensional electron systems",
Austin, Texas, USA.
July 2014
Conference "Emerging Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems (EPQHS)",
"Odd even-denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in ZnO",
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
May 2014
ISCE 2014,
"Interaction induced physics in graphene",
Hoam Convention Center of Seoul National University, South Korea.
September 2013
Workshop TOPSYS13 on Topology and Non-Equilibrium in Low-Dimensional Electronic Systems,
"Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in ZnO",
Max-Planck-Institute for Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
July 2013
EP2DS 2013,
"The fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene",
Wrocław University, Poland.
May 2013
Workshop "MIRO and all that",
"Local probe studies of microwave induced resistance oscillations",
Montpellier, France.
October 2012
Minisymposium on Quantum Coherence in Nanostructures,
"Interaction induced quantum Hall states in graphene",
Uni Leipzig, Germany.
September 2012
"Higher order fractional quantum Hall states in graphene",
Warsaw, Poland.
June 2012
8th Advanced Research Workshop on Fundamentals of Electronic Nanosystems, Nanopeter 2012,
“Transconductance fluctuations as a probe of interaction induced quantum Hall states in graphene”,
St. Petersburg, Russia.
June 2012
Advanced Research Workshop MESO 2012, Non-equilibrium and coherent phenomena at the nanoscale,
“Probing interaction induced quantum Hall states in graphene”,
Chernogolovka, Russia.
April 2012
Graphene Conference 2012,
"Probing interaction induced quantum Hall states",
Brussels, Belgium.
March 2012
APS March Meeting, Focus Session: Graphene Structure, Stacking, Interactions: Mesoscopics,
“Conductance fluctuations in graphene as a probe of broken symmetry and fractional quantum Hall states”,
Boston, USA.
Febuary 2012
17th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics,
“Localization and current fluctuations in graphene”,
Mauterndorf, Austria.
January 2012
Fundamental aspects of graphene and other carbon allotropes,
“Localization and current fluctuations in graphene”,
KITP UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA.