
The Scientific Facility Technology develops advanced epitaxial growth technologies to deposit complex compounds with atomic-layer precision. Using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) systems and a unique oxide molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system we synthesize thin films, multilayers and superlattices of different complex oxides including cuprates, manganates, nickelates, cobaltates, ruthenates. The combination of both methods enables the accurate fabrication and in-depth exploration of new heterostructure systems with defect control at the atomic level.
Further important aspects are related to the physics of oxide interfaces. Novel quantum states can be realized by accurate deposition control at the interfaces between different oxides. The goal of our research is to engineer new metastable compounds and new functional interfaces with unique properties via optimization of the deposition process. This research is performed in close scientific cooperation with the scientific departments, in particular with the departments of Keimer, Maier, and Mannhart.
Furthermore, we investigate the role of epitaxial strain on magnetic and transport ( charge and entropy ) properties of single layer epitaxial films and superlattices and use photon exposure of such films as extrinsic control parameter.
In addition the Scientific Facility Technology offers service work for the deposition of metal (Au, Pt, Ti, Cr, …) and insulating (SiO, TiO2, Al2O3…) films and multilayers, optical lithography, dry chemical etching, and contact fabrication by combining evaporation/patterning techniques with ultrasonic bonding.