Topological quantum phenomena have come to the forefront of condensed matter science in recent years. While a key focus is on the emerging topological insulator phases and topological superconductivity the overarching concepts play a key role in a wide range of fields such as cold atom research, quantum phases in liquid helium and novel spin liquid states.
This workshop aims to bring together two very active communities in this field from Germany and Japan through a program of invited and contributed talks as well as poster presentations. The program will allow for ample discussions and exchange especially at the conference dinner. The workshop is supported by the Max Planck Society and Humboldt Foundation in Germany and the JSPS program on Topological Material Science in Japan.
Registration & Abstract Submission
The registration and the abstract submission is taking place via word form. You can download both templates from the "Downloads" section on this page. Please send your registration form and your abstract via email to TopoMat@fkf.mpg.de.
- The local organisers will then arrange the accommodation based on the registration.
- After submission of your abstract, you will receive an electronic confirmation to the email address you have used to send the abstract.
Regular registration: July 16, 2016
Abstract submission: August 5, 2016
Standard Poster Dimensions
841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height) (A0 format)